ASM Hydrasynth Desktop/Rack synthesizer

Gotovina / Virman 825,01 € MPC: 982,15 € (-16%)
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Synthesizer ASM HYDRASYNTH je idealni desktop modul za sound dizajnere i live klavijaturiste te je dizajniran za maksimalnu fleksibilnost u radu. Isto tako, to je korisničko sučelje koje vam omogućuje brzo uređivanje 'patcheva' s mnogim prečacima bez suvišnih i kompliciranih podmenija. Koristi naprednu waveform sintezu, tri oscilatora, dvostruke 'Wave mutatore' i dva filtera koja se mogu konfigurirati za serijiski ili paralelni rad, pa je tako generiranje tona kreativan posao u kojem ćete zasigurno uživati. HYDRASYNTH nudi 24 pada osjetljivim na dodir na kojima možete stvarati grooveove i svirati bez priključivanja vanjske klavijature. Zahvaljujući multiple pad layout modovima kao i brzo dostupnim scale modovoma, desktop varijanta Hydrasyntha je super jednostavna za rukovanje i obavezan je alat svakog sound dizajnera i modernog klavijaturiste. Uz uređaj dolaze i uši za rack za jednostavno montiranje u standardizirana rack kućišta.

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  • 24 Touch- and velocity-sensitive pads
  • 8 Voice polyphony - monotimbral
  • Fully polyphonic aftertouch
  • Arpeggiator includes Ratchet, Chance, Gate and Swing (8 modes in total)
  • 3 Oscillators with 219 single-cycle waveforms
  • WaveScan parameters for modulating via wavetables
  • Wavelist mode for blending up to 8 wavetables
  • 8 Custom Wavelists per oscillator
  • Mixer includes Noise Generator and Ring Modulator
  • 2 Filters: series or parallel
  • Filter 1 includes 11 different filter models (12 & 24 dB Ladder, Ladder Vintage, HP, LP, Vocal, etc.)
  • Filter 2: 12 dB (SEM-style) per octave, includes Continuous Sweep from lowpass, bandpass, up to highpass)
  • Modulation matrix
  • 5 DAHDSR envelopes
  • 5 LFOs
  • LFOs include Delay, Fade In, 3 Trigger Modes, Smoothing, Start Phase, One Shot Mode
  • 5 Banks with 128 patches each - 256 of which are factory patches
  • CV-Gate inputs and outputs
  • Supports all common CV/GATE standards
  • Clock input and output
  • 8 High-resolution encoders, including LED rings
  • USB (USB MIDI In/Out)
  • MIDI: In/Out/Thru
  • Pre- and post effects for unique sound editing possibilites
  • Dimensions: 440 x 223 x 70 mm
  • Weight: 3.6 kg
Offering 8-voice polyphony, "Mutator" waveshaping, and a 32-slot modulation matrix, the ASM Hydrasynth is truly a next-generation virtual analog synthesizer for modern music producers. Rivaling the sonic capabilities of many popular software synthesizer plug-ins, each voice features three WaveScan oscillators offering 219 different waveforms, with four Mutators total for extensive waveshaping. There's a ton of potential for creating nuanced, nonlinear sounds — the five ADSR envelope generators offer delay and hold and can have either linear or exponential curves between stages, and the five LFOs offer a total of 11 waveshapes plus delay, fade in, and smoothing. Factor in the 49-note keybed, customizable PolyTouch response, expressive ribbon controller, and CV/Gate connectivity, and the ASM Hydrasynth could be the master controller your synthesizer rig is asking for.
Extensive modulation capabilities
With its 32-slot modulation matrix, Hydrasynth empowers you to create incredibly nuanced and expressive sounds. Synthesists are particularly impressed with its envelope generators (five per voice), which offer delay and hold in addition to ADSR stages. Each stage of the envelope can sweep through exponential and logarithmic curves, which offers big creative potential for long, evolving modulations.
Like most of the functions on Hydrasynth, envelopes can be locked to BPM for tempo-synced modulations. Combined with the looping function, you can use the envelopes as LFOs with interesting waveshapes. And speaking of LFOs, Hydrasynth offers five LFOs per voice with 11 total waveshapes. That includes the 8-step LFO, which allows you to create your own custom waveshape.
Amazing performance potential with PolyTouch and ribbon controller
Whether you're performing or recording, Hydratouch delivers an incredibly expressive playing experience, especially when you dig into its PolyTouch capabilities. PolyTouch is a new method of polyphonic aftertouch sensing. You have full control over aftertouch curves, offsets, and release times, giving you big creative potential when using aftertouch to manipulate your sounds. A built-in ribbon controller expands your performance options further — it can control pitch bend or modulation amount, and a Theremin mode allows you to play melodies on the ribbon controller against whatever you're playing on the keyboard.
Deep synthesis with an intuitive interface
While the Hydrasynth engine is remarkably powerful, it's relatively simple to find and tweak the parameters you're looking for. On the front panel, you'll find a graphic representation of the audio path, with buttons to select each individual section (individual oscillators, mixer, effects, and so on). Selecting a section brings its associated parameters to the display, with eight encoders ready to tweak. In other words, every section of this synth can be accessed with a button press, no menu diving required.
Advanced real-time control via eight macro controls
One of the most popular aspects of software synthesizers is the ability to control multiple parameters simultaneously via macro controls, and the ASM Hydrasynth gives you that creative power in hardware form. You can customize its eight macro controls to tweak up to eight destinations simultaneously. And with a total of 170 modulation destinations to explore, you can easily use the macro controls to warp between completely distinct sound variations on the fly.
What's new in the Hydrasynth v1.5 firmware update?
With the v1.5 firmware update, ASM added a ton of creative potential to the Hydrasynth. Here are just some of the more notable additions:
Five new filter models — shape your sounds in new ways with filter models, including Steiner frequency response curves and SEM-style sweeps
Microtonal Scale Import — Hydrasynth now supports MIDI Tuning Standard files
Distortion effect — add harmonic bite, pre- or post-FX
Updated Step LFO — now with a maximum of 64 steps, and with the ability to adjust in semitone increments, the step LFO can be used as a step sequencer
Updated envelope gate sources — in addition to triggering envelopes via keyboard, 11 other sources can be set to trigger envelopes
Macros as a Modulation Destination — Macros can control up to eight parameters simultaneously, and now you can modulate them all from a single source
Updated Randomizer — you can now randomize different modules in a patch by different amounts, or meld parameters from two patches to create a new patch
Custom startup patch — you can now choose which patch is loaded automatically when you power up your Hydrasynth
And much, much more!
Gotovina / Virman 914,99 €
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