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Focusrite Vocaster One Studio esencijalni podcast komplet

Gotovina / Virman 68,56 € MPC: 380,91 € (-82%)
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Kako dobiti taj esencijalni studio komplet koji Vaš podcast video zaslužuje? Odgovor nikad nije bio jednostavniji! Priuštite si vrhunski studijski zvuk s profesionalnim kvalitetnim mikrofonom koji dolazi u ovom kompletu, slušajte Vaš performans s najsitnijim detaljima uz pomoć zatvorenih studijskih slušalica, postavite pravilno razine zvuka te poboljšajte Vaš zvuk sa samo jednim klikom i istupite pred publiku uz pomoć Focusrite Vocaster One Studio audio sučelja samo u trenutku! Stvarajte vrhunske podcast video snimke nikad jednostavnije uz pomoć Auto Gain, Enhance, Easy Start tool i višestruko nagrađivane podrške kako biste mogli instantno stvarati vrhunske snimke.

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Studio sound in seconds

Auto Gain sets your levels with the click of a button, with more than enough gain on tap for the most popular broadcast mics – no booster needed.

Find your voice

The Enhance button reveals the true quality of your voice. Get the clearest sound first time. Four podcaster-approved voice presets bring out the best in any voice.

Cut it out!

Don’t let coughs and sneezes – or any other unexpected interruptions – mess up your podcast. Hit the mute button and silence the mic until you’re ready to go again.

Quality in, quality out.

Our Vocaster DM1 dynamic mic, with built-in grille and pop filter, focuses on making you sound like you’re in the studio. HP60v closed-back studio headphones let you hear your show as the world will, and stop the mic from picking up your show mix.

It’s your call

Bring in guests over the phone with one TRRS cable and capture the whole conversation, or record high quality music or other audio from your device, seamlessly.

Sound as good as your video looks

You’re one TRS cable away from adding Vocaster’s studio sound to your vlog. No need to sync up in post, just plug in and hit the red button.

Add a professional touch

Stream pre-recorded segments such as intros, outros, calls or any other audio you can think of from your computer with two sets of stereo loopback. Keep the story going and sound just like you’re in a broadcast studio.

Take it away

Vocaster Once is small, light and powered by your computer so you can join the conversation wherever it is.

It’s never been so simple

Our Easy Start tool is the best in the business and gets you up and running smoothly. Vocaster is so easy to set up, you’ll be on-air in no time. Three years of warranty and our award-winning 24/7/365 support keep you there.

Everything you need

With Hindenburg LITE to record, three months of SquadCast Pro + Video to bring in your guests, and six months of Acast Influencer for podcast hosting and monetization, you’re ready to get your show out there. You can also try Hindenburg PRO for six months, free!

Your very own control room

Get your show sounding great with Vocaster’s mixer. Just like a broadcast studio, Vocaster Hub lets you set your levels, enhance your sound, route audio from your phone and computer, and more. Hear exactly what your listeners will hear with Show Mix – even without your computer.

Better for everyone

With Vocaster, we’ve taken big steps forward in reducing the impact our interfaces have on the planet. With carefully chosen components, biodegradable and recyclable packaging, and more than half the plastics from recycled sources, Vocaster is better for everyone. 

Key Features

Broadcast quality sound – Get studio sound in seconds from Vocaster’s high quality mic input and microphone.

Over 70dB of gain – Get the best out of any mic, no booster needed.

Auto Gain – Set your level in seconds, just push the button, start talking, and let Auto Gain do the rest.

Enhance – Select one of four podcaster-approved presets and reveal the true quality of your voice.

Mute – Just hit the button and cut out coughs, sneezes and any other unwanted interruptions.

Broadcast mic and headphones – The included Vocaster DM1 dynamic mic features built-in grille and pop filter, and HP60v closed-back studio headphones let you hear your show as the world will.

Phone Connectivity – Connect your phone with a single TRRS cable and capture the whole conversation, or play music and other high quality audio from your device straight onto your show.

Camera Connectivity – Send Vocaster’s high quality audio straight to your camera with a single TRS cable and level-up your vlog.

Stereo Loopback – Grab audio from your computer and stream straight onto your show. Great for intros, outros, music and more.

Easy Start – It’s never been easier to get recording. Focusrite’s tried-and-tested Easy Start tool will have you on air in minutes.

All the tools you need – Includes Hindenburg LITE, three months of SquadCast Pro + Video, and six months of Acast Influencer. You can also try Hindenburg PRO for six months, free.

Vocaster Hub – Set your levels, enhance your sound, route audio from your phone and computer, and hear your Show Mix.


Enjoy three years of warranty

Wherever you happen to be in the world, you can rely on a three-year warranty if any Focusrite hardware needs repairing or replacing due to a manufacturing fault.

Included Software

  • Hindenburg LITE and 6-month Hindenburg PRO Trial
  • Acast – 6-month Influencer Plan
  • SquadCast – 3-month Pro + Video Trial
  • Ampify Studio – 6-month Premium Trial

What’s In The Box

  • Vocaster One
  • Vocaster DM1 Microphone
  • HP60v Headphones
  • 3m XLR cable
  • USB A-C Cable

System Requirements

Please go to https://resource.focusrite.com/downloads/os for information on supported Windows, Mac and iOS operating systems.

Technical Specifications

Product Hardware Specifications

  • 1 master preamp gain pot
  • 1 master volume pot (Speaker and headphones)
  • 3 RGB backlit tactile click buttons
  • 1 non backlit tactile click buttons
  • Power switch
  • 27 additional LEDs for labels and metering
  • 1 XLR microphone inputs
  • 2 1/4” balanced speaker outputs
  • 1 1/4” headphone outputs
  • 1 3.5mm TRRS phone connection
  • 1 3.5mm TRS camera out
  • USB-C socket
  • Kensington MiniSaver slot

Software Compatibility

  • Vocaster One is class compliant so will work with any modern Mac, Windows PC or USB-C iPad.

Power Requirements

  • USB-3.0 Bus power 5V @900mA 4.5W
  • External power supply - 5V @ 1000mA

USB Power supply not included

Gotovina / Virman 89,12 €
MPC: 104,85 € ( -15% ) Raspoloživo za 5-10 dana
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recenzije kupaca

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