Native Instruments Kontrol S88 MK3 kontroler klavijatura

Gotovina / Virman 1.298,80 € MPC: 1.528,00 € (-15%)
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Od početka Kontrol Smart Keyboard kontrolera, Native Instruments je ušao u beskompromisnu odiseju premošćivanja fizičkih i digitalnih podjela, besprijekorno integrirajući svoju vrhunsku NKS tehnologiju uz nijansirane i taktilne kontrole koje čine bilo koji Virtualni instrument izuzetno realnim. S kontrolerima iz Kontrol S Mk3 serije podigli su ove kontrolere na jednu sasvim novu visinu izražajnosti. Kontroleri s 88 tipki i opremljen najsuvremenijom Fatar tipkovnicom razvijenom u suradnji s Native Instruments kako bi se osiguralo da vrlo detaljan polifonijski aftertouch dodir poprimi svaku nijansu vašeg zvuka. Model S88 se može pohvaliti s hammer-action tipkom, pružajući vam vrhunski zvuk, oblik i funkcije kao nikada prije. Producenti i klavijaturisti zadivljeni su sveobuhvatnom kontrolom ove tipkovnice, ne samo zbog dodatnog proširenja DAW integracije svojih prethodnika kako bi mogli ići daleko dalje od jednostavnih transportnih kontrola, već i zbog njezinog dizajna usmjerenog prema budućnosti putem kompatibilnosti s MIDI 2.0 i USB-C MIDI vezama. U kompletu s kontrolerom dolazi i sljedeći softver: Kontakt 7, besplatni Kontakt instrument po vašem izboru, Komplete 14 Select, Komplete Kontrol Software, Stradivari Cello, Guitar Rig LE, Elements Suite, Hypha i Ableton Live Lite.

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Seize Kontrol of Your Sound Like Never Before

Since the inception of the Kontrol Smart Keyboard Controllers, Native Instruments has embarked on an uncompromising odyssey to bridge the physical and digital divides, seamlessly integrating their cutting-edge NKS technology with nuanced, tactile control that makes any Virtual Instrument feel as real as possible. With the Kontrol S Mk3 controllers, they’ve elevated the series to new heights of expressivity, available in 49-, 61-, and 88-key options and loaded with cutting-edge Fatar keybeds developed in collaboration with Native Instruments to ensure that the highly-detailed polyphonic aftertouch captures every nuance of your sound. While the S49 and S61 feature semi-weighted keys, the S88 boasts one of the world’s first widely available hammer-action polyphonic aftertouch controllers, blending worlds of sound, form, and function like never before. Producers and keyboardists are amazed by this keyboard’s comprehensive control, not just for expanding the DAW integration of its predecessors to go far beyond simple transport controls, but for its future-minded design via MIDI 2.0 compatibility and USB-C MIDI.

Mk3: an elevated expressive experience

With the Kontrol keyboard controllers, expressivity has never been more nuanced. Onboard polyphonic aftertouch provides detailed control of each note, letting you engage changes in pressure and velocity across chords to elicit evocative passages and progressions. Plus, the deeply customizable suite of assignment options lets you modulate pitch, cutoff, vibrato, and virtually anything else with your virtual instrument of choice, resulting in uncompromising MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression). What’s more, because each keybed was developed in collaboration with Fatar, it captures not just the nuances of each manner of expression, but is fully calibrated for the extreme resolution of MIDI 2.0 and the creative possibilities that it affords on any manner of instrument or control.

Komplete integration, designed for the future

The face-lifted Kontrol keyboard’s interface maximizes depth of control while streamlining the user experience with excellent ergonomics. A rugged, durable housing comprises CNC-machined anodized aluminum that’s been bead blasted for a frame that’s as sturdy as it is aesthetically satisfying. Its vivid, full-color display enables detailed control of any NKS instrument. At the same time, its eight knobs, 4D encoder, and pads can be tailored for virtually any performance, composition, or arrangement functionality your DAW has available. Instrumental integration goes further than ever, thanks to the newly reimagined Light Guide: RGB backlighting on every key, button, and encoder, as well as the pitch and modulation wheels. Use these to stay in key, assign zones and switches, indicate scales, and much more to let you focus on the most important aspects of your playing.

Keep yourself connected in any rig

Native Instruments has prioritized integration with each iteration of the Kontrol S Smart Keyboard Controllers, and the Mk3 continues this capacity for accommodation with more customization than ever before. Its USB-C bus-powered architecture supports MIDI connectivity over USB for seamless use with your DAW. The onboard 5-pin DIN MIDI I/O vastly expands interoperative possibilities well beyond the digital frontiers of your NKS virtual instruments, even transmitting MPE data for compatible instruments and devices. You’ll also find a quartet of 1/4-inch TRS jacks for flexible pedal usage: one for sustain, one for expression, and two assignable inputs that can facilitate any number of supplementary control or expression options.

Native Instruments Kontrol S49 Mk3 Features:

  • Onboard polyphonic aftertouch and MPE capabilities mean deep, customizable expression with your virtual instruments, breathing new life into every sound
  • MIDI 2.0 compatibility means uncompromising control of your sound with stunning detail
  • 1200 x 480mm high-resolution full-color display allows for precision browsing, tweaking, mixing, and more
  • CNC-machined housing comprises anodized aluminum with a bead-blasted surface for a design that’s both aesthetically pleasing and engineered for long-term use
  • RGB-backlit encoders, pads, keys, and wheels enable the use of the extremely versatile Light Guide
  • Redesigned Light Guide provides real-time and interactive information that includes scales, key zones, switches, and more
  • Keybed was designed in collaboration with Fatar for unparalleled expressivity
  • Expanded connectivity includes dedicated 1/4-inch jacks for sustain and expression pedals, as well as two more assignable jacks for flexible sonic control
  • 5-pin DIN MIDI in/out allows for extensive interoperative use with most arrangements, including MPE and polyphonic aftertouch data for compatible instruments
  • Ergonomic pitch and modulation wheels support versatile assignment options to maximize the potential of every supported DAW and NKS instrument
  • 4-directional push encoder supplies one-handed sound browsing and project navigation
  • USB-C bus-powered design doubles for MIDI over USB to reduce cable clutter while increasing data transmission speeds
  • Tag-based unified browsing across all Komplete instruments lets you quickly find the sounds you want right from the hardware
  • Dial in the main parameters of any Komplete instrument, which automatically map to the touch-sensitive controller knobs
  • Create arpeggiated melodies at the touch of a button, play chords with single keys, or map the whole keyrange to scales
  • Dedicated transport section gives you full access to your DAW’s playback and recording controls, going far deeper than previous models for unmatched integration
Included software 
  • Kontakt 7 
  • A free Kontakt instrument of your choice
  • Komplete 14 Select
  • Komplete Kontrol Software
  • Stradivari Cello
  • Guitar Rig LE
  • Elements Suite
  • Hypha
  • Ableton Live Lite

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