Novation 61SL MkIII kontroler klavijature

Gotovina / Virman 620,72 € MPC: 785,73 € (-21%)
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Produkcijski alat kojeg morate imati! S klavijaturom Novation 61SL MKIII, upravljat ćete svojim projektima kao nikad dosada. Osjetite prvoklasni odziv zahvaljujući poluotežanoj sintesajzerskoj tipci. Svirajte i upravljajte vanjskim sintesajzerima i modulima preko raznolikih priključaka: MIDI in, Out i Out 2 / Thru; Analogni priključak Clock out i po dva seta izlaznih priključaka CV Pitch, Gate i Mod. Koristeći sve padove, tipke, gumbe i klizače izvucite punu snagu svakog DAW-a kompatibilnog s funkcijama InControl ili HUI. Osim toga, zahvaljujući 8-kanalnom sekvenceru, ugrađenom arpeggiatoru, te raznim funkcijama scale, mode i zone izrada kompleksnih aranžmana postat će lakša no ikad. Ne samo da ćete zahvaljujući full-color LCD zaslonima, padovima, gumbima, klizačima i tipkama imati bolji pregleda nad svim parametrima već će vam 61SL MkIII omogućiti i da se udubite u glazbu i uživate u njoj!

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Isto tako, osvijetljeni Pitch i Modulation kotačići pobrinut će se skupa s LCD zaslonima u boji za bolju preglednost svih parametara. Uz funkciju dodjeljivanja za jednostavno postavljanje i opoziv parametara, 61SL MkIII nezaobilazni je alat u modernoj produkciji. Malo je reći da se na klavijaturi od 61SL mkIII samo da dobro svirati. Njegova poluotežana sintesajzerska tipka istovremeno pruža mogućnost izražajnosti, ali i brzog odziva kada je to potrebno. Uz to, posjeduje funkciju aftertouch kojoj možete dodijeliti bilo koje parametre. RGB padovi dinamički su osjetljivi na pritisak, a zbog funkcije polifonijskog aftertoucha, također se pruža iznimno ekspresivan način ukucavanja ritmova i ritmičkih obrazaca u sekvencer. Izravnom suradnjom sa stručnjacima u Abletonu klavijaturom 61SL MkIII Novation je dosegao dosad neviđenu integracijom s programom Live. No, njegova iskoristivost tu ne prestaje - duboka integracija s programima Logic i Reason, zajedno s HUI kompatibilnošću s programima Cubase, Pro Tools, Studio One i REAPER, omogućuje korisnicima bilo kojeg od ovih DAW stanica da iskoriste moćnu kontrolu hardvera u svojim projektima. 

SL MkIII is the centrepiece that can be used to control your whole studio, working perfectly alongside your DAW. Make working with your hardware easy and creatively rewarding, and construct your next production in the 8 track polyphonic sequencer, with everything staying in sync.


Key features


  • Bring MIDI hardware and CV/Gate synths together

  • Easily integrate hardware with your DAW

  • The perfect controller for Ableton Live music-making software

  • Internal 8 track pattern based sequencer

  • 1 routable clock for the whole system


Absolute hardware control

Bring MIDI hardware and CV/Gate synths together by plugging them all into SL MkIII, taking total control directly from the internal eight-track polyphonic pattern-based sequencer.


Easily integrate hardware with your DAW

Do you use a DAW and crave integrating your favourite hardware? Well, you can have the best of both worlds. Make controlling your software easy by recording productions from a studio centrepiece.


The perfect controller for Live™

We worked with Ableton® to create an absolutely stunning keyboard controller for their Live™ music-making software. The five colour LCD screens give you full parameter feedback, enabling you to see everything you are controlling.


Internal eight-track pattern-based sequencer

Real time record or input notes per step. Play and edit your sequences directly from the keyboard. Record your movements as automation into the sequencer, bringing life to your production.


One routable clock for the whole system

Whether you're in the box or outside the box, the MIDI and analogue clock and transport controls keep everything running in time.



Choose an arp type, set a sync rate, tweak the length, and then use the pads to design your rhythms in real time.


Customisable templates

Highly customisable mappings for hardware and software easily control everything. Create your own templates in the software editor, and save them to the keyboard.


LED feedback

Work with scales and keys and set up multiple zones and layers on the keyboard. See everything instantly with vibrant on-key RGB LED feedback.


Comprehensive connectivity

USB; MIDI In, Out, Out 2/Thru; three pedal inputs; Analogue Clock Out; and two CV Pitch, Gate, and Mod outputs can be used to route anything anywhere.


Control all major music software

Your choice of music software is crucial to your creativity. SL MkIII's pads, buttons, eight faders and eight knobs take control of all major music software using InControl. SL MkIII also works with any HUI-compatible DAW.


High-resolution scan

The SL MkIII has an exceptionally high scan rate of 10kHz (10,000 times per second), giving the keyboard a huge dynamic range for expressive keyboard performance.


Keys for the player

The SL MkIII boasts our finest, most playable and expressive synth-style semi-weighted keybed, with a sprung action and our highest scan rate, all tuned to the needs of the experienced player. It’s got aftertouch too, assignable to anything.


Selectable Velocity Curves

The Velocity Curves come to you from a Novation engineer who’s been designing and playing keyboard controllers for two decades. Choose from a comprehensive selection of Velocity Curves to suit your playing style.



SL MkIII's velocity-sensitive RGB pads have multiple functions: they can be used for launching clips, as steps in the sequencer, they are perfect for the finger drummer, and have polyphonic aftertouch.


Backlit Pitch and Modulation wheels

Pitch and Modulation wheels have RGB LEDs that change colour to show what track you're working on. Brightness gives you the value of what you're changing.



Components allows you to backup and restore your templates and sessions in the cloud, enabling access from anywhere in the world. All content can also be saved locally.


Enjoy three years of warranty

Wherever you happen to be in the world, you can rely on a three-year warranty if any Novation hardware needs repairing or replacing due to a manufacturing fault. Novation will send you replacement gear in the UK and the US, and they’ll cover the shipping costs both ways. In the UK, they'll send you a replacement before you return your hardware to them.


Included Software

  • Access to the Sound Collective

  • Ableton Live Lite

  • 4 GB of Loopmasters sounds and samples

  • Free Melodics lessons

  • GForce Bass Station
    The definitive virtual version of a classic '90s mono-synth with a range of brand-new features: 16 voices, 300+ presets, a built-in arpeggiator and sequencer, effects, and much more. GForce Bass Station delivers enormous versatility and creative potential. Available as a standalone app on Mac and PC, supporting AU, AAX, VST, and VST3.


What’s In The Box

  • Novation 61SL MkIII

  • Premium braided USB cable

  • 12V DC power supply

  • Printed Getting Started Guide

  • Safety information sheet


System Requirements

61SL MkIII is class compliant, so will work with any modern Mac, Windows or Linux PC. For further information see the Novation web site.


## Technical Specifications - Novation 61SL MkIII

### Product Hardware Specifications

  • 61 note velocity sensitive, individually sprung, synth style, semi-weighted keyboard

  • 16 full-colour RGB backlit velocity sensitive drum pads

  • 2 Page and 2 scene launch buttons

  • 8 continuous rotary knobs

  • 8 sliders

  • 6 dedicated transport controls

  • RGB backlit pitch bend and modulation wheels

  • 2 octave / transpose buttons

  • 2 Track buttons

  • 5x RGB TFT LCD screens

  • 59 Backlit buttons with tact switches

  • 61 RGB LEDs plus 49 or 61 keybed RGB LEDs

  • 16 Assignable buttons x 2 pages (32 assignable buttons)

  • Assignable grid x 2 pages | (32 assignable pads)

  • Backlit RGB Mode switching buttons including InControl

#### Rear Panel & Connectors

  • Power switch

  • DC power socket

  • USB socket

  • MIDI IN, OUT, OUT2 / THRU - 3x 5-pin DIN sockets

  • Sustain and Expression pedal 1/4" TRS jack inputs

  • Footswitch pedal 1/4" TS jack input

  • CV, Gate, Modulation -1- on 3.5mm jack sockets

  • CV, Gate, Modulation -2- on 3.5mm jack sockets

  • Clock out

  • Kensington security slot


### Sequencer

  • 64 Sessions

  • 8 Tracks per session

  • 8 Patterns per track (16 steps per Pattern for a total of 128 steps per track)

  • Real time record (notes, with velocity and automation)

  • Auto-quantise notes to steps and automation to 8 events per step

  • All assignable controls can be automated (8 maximum automation lanes)

  • Internal tempo range 40 - 240

  • External synced tempo range 30 - 300

  • Swing 20 - 80%

### Real Time Performance

  • 22 Scale types and chromatic transposition

  • Pattern expand view - flip the grid

  • Pattern start and end, direction incl. random

  • Configurable pattern chain

  • Session instant switching and queued switch

### Editing

  • Velocity and gate per step

  • Multiple gate lengths per step (via real time record)

  • Automation edit per step

  • Clear step, automation parameter per pattern, pattern, session

  • Duplicate step, pattern

### Software Compatibility

  • Ableton Live Lite included

### Power Requirements

  • Maximum power consumption 12V DC 1000mA

  • Power supply included (This product cannot be powered from USB)

### Product Dimensions

61SL MkIII: <981mm length x 300mm depth x 100mm height>


Gotovina / Virman 778,44 €
MPC: 998,00 € ( -22% ) Raspoloživo odmah
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Gotovina / Virman 569,43 €
MPC: 632,70 € ( -10% ) Raspoloživo odmah
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