Novation Launchkey 25 MK4 kontroler klavijatura

Gotovina / Virman 199,75 € MPC: 235,00 € (-15%)
Raspoloživo odmah Na stanju u: Maloprodaja ZG
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Moćan DAW kontroler s nizom ugrađenih alata za kreaciju. Svaki element je dizajniran kako biste podigli svoje stvaralaštvo, izražajnost i usredotočenost na kreativni tok; od klavijature sa synth-action tipkama i 16 padova s polifonim aftertouch efektom do pažljivo raspoređene kontrolne površine s dubokom integracijom unutar Vašeg DAW sistema. Svirajte instrumente i bubnjeve, pokrećite klipove i scene te dobivajte trenutnu praktičnu kontrolu nad mikserom, uređajima i efektima iz vašeg DAW sistema. Launchkey također sadržava i jedinstveni urediv Arpeggiator, tri načina rada kroz tri akorda za brzo stvaranje glazbenih progresija, ljestvičasti način rada koji vas drži u pravom tonalitetu te detektor akorda koji prikazuje trenutno svirani akord na OLED zaslonu. Ovo je standardni model sa 25 tipki, uz kontroler dolazi i softverski paket koji se sastoji od Ableton Live 12 Lite, GForce, Orchestral Tools, Klevgrand i Melodics + GForce Bass Station softvera.

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Key Features

In-depth DAW control
Powerful control of Ableton Live, Logic Pro, FL Studio, Cubase, Reaper, Reason and more, with no set-up required
Tweak your software
Eight encoders deliver instant control over DAW mixers, virtual instruments, and effects; user mappings can also be created for customised control
Perform with a high-quality keybed
The 25-note synth-style keyboard is sensitive and expressive
Play drums and instruments
16 velocity-sensitive pads with polyphonic aftertouch for playing drums and instruments, as well launching clips and working with grids
Powerful tools for creating chords and patterns
Powerful built-in Arpeggiator and three Chord Modes to easily create musical progressions: Fixed Chord, User Chord, and Chord Maps
Always stay in key
Scale Mode locks notes on the keyboard into right key, and Chord Detector shows what chord is currently being played, with visual representation on the OLED display
Connect to other instruments
Launchkey 25 can be connected directly to synths and other MIDI hardware with its full-size MIDI out port; it also works with your iPhone or iPad
Create your own control surfaces
Launchkey is fully customisable; map MIDI parameters to pads and controls of your choice with Novation’s easy-to-use Components software
Additional software
Comes with Ableton Live Lite and a collection of pro-grade virtual instruments: The full list can be found below

Launchkey 25

Add inspiration to your setup with Launchkey 25 – a compact, all-in-one DAW controller with two octaves of full-size, synth-action keys and 16 patented FSR pads for finger drumming, clip launching, and more. The next generation of Launchkey also gives you new ways to get creative in your DAW, with hardware synths, or on iPhone and iPad. Chord, Scale, and Arpeggio Modes have each been expanded to help you stay in key and perform in even more expressive ways – all with detailed feedback from the crisp, new OLED display.
Enhanced DAW integration
Launchkey supports all major DAWs right out the box, with seamless, custom integration for: Ableton Live, Logic, Cubase, Reason Studios, Reaper, FL Studio, and Ardour. With these, you get a hardware-powered workflow that gives you full control of transport functions, timeline navigation, mixing and EQ, clip launching, and instrument and effect parameters. And when using Ableton Live’s Session View or Logic’s Live Loops, the 16 drum pads double as Launchpad-style clip launchers with RGB backlights that perfectly match what you see on screen.
More powerful creative tools
Launchkey 25’s creative tools are built into the hardware itself – so they work the same way in your DAW, with your hardware synths, or on your mobile devices. Scale Modes now allow you to lock your keyboard to one of 30 different scales to eliminate wrong notes, or even map everything to just the white keys. Fixed Chord mode triggers full chords from a single key, and new Chord Maps take things further, allowing you to craft emotive progressions from Launchkey’s pads. And the latest iteration of our much-loved arpeggiator makes it easier than ever to twist and mutate your sequences for endless inspiration.
Super-responsive keybed and FSR pads
The 25-note synth-style keyboard is expressive, musical, and a joy to play. For finger-drummers, Launchkey now sports our patented, velocity-sensitive FSR drum pads with polyphonic aftertouch. Unlike standard pads, each one features a unique, radial sensor that increases sensitivity and improves consistency for even tighter performances. They can also be set to trigger chords or individual notes with polyphonic aftertouch.
Play your way with Custom Modes
Launchkey’s controls aren’t limited to their default assignments; just load up the free Components software in your browser, and configure them to behave exactly the way you want with your software or hardware. You can store up to four custom mappings for both Launchkey’s pads and its encoders, then recall them instantly from the hardware to send your chosen notes, MIDI CCs, or program changes.
Go beyond the computer
Launchkey 25’s five-pin MIDI output makes it easy to hook up your hardware synthesizer – no DAW required. Together with Components and custom mappings, you can take control of all its most important functions directly from your keyboard. Launchkey is also USB-powered and class compliant, so it’s fully compatible with countless music-making apps for iPhone and iPad – including the free Novation Launchpad app.
All you need to create
Launchkey 25 comes with everything you need to plug in and start making music right away. The included Ableton Live 12 Lite gives you the ability to record and perform with up to eight tracks of MIDI or audio, as well as a suite of instruments, effects, and creative tools – and it all works perfectly with Launchkey. You also get a selection of additional studio-grade effects and sounds from Novation and Focusrite.


Enjoy three years of warranty
Wherever you happen to be in the world, you can rely on a three-year warranty if any Novation hardware needs repairing or replacing due to a manufacturing fault.

Included Software

Includes Ableton Live 12 Lite and a huge collection of instruments and effects
Ableton Live 12 Lite
Live 12 Lite is the latest version of Ableton's innovative software for recording, producing, and performing music. It includes essential workflows, instruments and effects for creating new sounds, recording ideas, performing on stage, and much more.
We’ve also partnered with GForce to bring a comprehensive, 4-in-1 bundle of some of the most iconic synths in history. This bundle includes one mono synth, two poly synths, and a tape sampler emulation. Craft powerful basslines, airy melodies, lush chords, and intricate sequences effortlessly.
Orchestral Tools
Discover the perfect blend of orchestral instruments and effects tailored for Novation Launchkey. Our curated bundle combines selections from two Orchestral Tools collections; Inspire 2 and Time Macro, offering you a versatile suite of sounds. These samples, recorded to the highest standards, bring the essence of a full orchestra to your fingertips.
Klevgrand's LUXE is an easy-to-use effect plugin designed for enhancing tracks to fit seamlessly within a mix, whether on drum buses, vocal tracks, or anything in between. Klevgrand's R0Verb is a unique audio effect that merges the simplicity of reverb with the complexity of a multi- delay system. With up to 50 individual delay lines at your command, you can precisely control volume, pre- delay, feedback, and high shelf for each one. Slammer is a multi-sampled drum plugin that contains 30 different instruments made from a large number of carefully recorded and edited samples with highly customizable with settings for pitch, filtering, effect sends, decay time, velocity mapping, and more.
Melodics is a unique desktop and mobile app the helps you learn to play the music that you love; whether on keys or pads. They have created a bundle of bespoke lessons for Novation users which are included free with Launchkey.
GForce Bass Station
The definitive virtual version of a classic '90s mono-synth with a range of brand-new features: 16 voices, 300+ presets, a built-in arpeggiator and sequencer, effects, and much more. GForce Bass Station delivers enormous versatility and creative potential. Available as a standalone app on Mac and PC, supporting AU, AAX, VST, and VST3.
The full collection:
Ableton Live 12 Lite
GForce bundle:
o Oberheim SEM
o Oberheim OB-EZ
Parallel Orchestras bundle by Orchestral Tools
o Delicate Piano
o Flautando Strings
o Percussion FX 
o Shadowy
o Paradox Texture
o Woodwind Parallax
Klevgrand bundle

o R0Verb
o Slammer
Melodics curated lessons

What’s In The Box

Launchkey 25
USB A to C cable
Gotovina / Virman 253,77 €
MPC: 317,21 € ( -20% ) Raspoloživo odmah
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Gotovina / Virman 248,76 €
MPC: 276,40 € ( -10% ) Raspoloživo odmah
dodaj u košaricu
Gotovina / Virman 238,73 €
MPC: 284,20 € ( -16% ) Raspoloživo odmah
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Dominik Gašparić

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Ivica Glavočić

Igračka. Kupio sam ga za svirku na elektroakustičnoj gitari i za tu svrhu je dobar. Za eletričnu baš i ne, pojačala zvuče loše, sintetički i neprirodno, cab-ovi su očajni (nema IR), upotrebljivih ima samo 2-3, ostalo je baš jako loše. Efekti su srednja žalost, neki su OK, neki su katastrofa poput kompresora. Nakon dosta uloženog truda uspio sam dobiti upotrebljive osnovne patch-eve za električnu gitaru (clean, crunch, hard rock, solo) ali zvuk nije niti blizu modernim modelerima poput Nux-a ili Ampera, a Line6 POD GO ga pojede za doručak. Zaključak: za akustiku i vježbu je OK, sve ostalo, zaboravite.

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