PreSonus StudioLive III 64S digitalni mikser

Gotovina / Virman 3.288,80 € MPC: 4.111,00 € (-20%)
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Moćni stroj bez premca! Ovaj 64-kanalni digitalni mikser poboni 4-jezgreni FLEX DSP pogon s dovoljno 'mišića' za rad s 526 simultanih procesa. Ali to nije sve, njegov FLEX FX multi-efekt procesor pruža osam prostora s reverb simulacijama i delay efektima sa osam zaduženih efekt buseva. Mogućnost dodatne proširivosti zahvlaljujući ugrađenoj mogućnosti povezivanja putem AVB mreže. Uživajte u svestranom radu od 64S-ice s 32 Flex mikseva. Oblikujte i ispolirajte svaki kanal do savršenstva uz pomoć PreSonus hvaljenenog Fat Channel procesiranja. PreSonus StudioLive 64S sadržava opsežni softverski paket koji Vam omogućava stvaranje vrhunskih snimki koje nastaju od materijala snimljenih na ovom miksu.

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The Most Formidable StudioLive Yet

The StudioLive 64S is a powerhouse — it’s PreSonus’s most formidable offering yet. This 64-channel digital mixer boasts a quad-core FLEX DSP engine with enough muscle to drive 526 simultaneous processors, and then some. What’s more, its FLEX FX multi-effects processor vaunts eight slots of reverb emulations and delays with eight dedicated effects buses. Benefit from easy expandability thanks to built-in AVB networking. Enjoy versatile operation by virtue of the 64S’s 32 Flex Mixes. Shape and polish each channel to perfection courtesy of PreSonus’s lauded Fat Channel processing. The PreSonus StudioLive 64S includes a comprehensive software suite, which enables you to make top-flight recordings right from the get-go.

Quad-core FLEX DSP engine boasts impressive processing muscle

The StudioLive 64S is packed with serious power. Its quad-core FLEX DSP engine possesses enough processing muscle to run 526 simultaneous processors, 43 mix buses, and 76 mixing channels. And its FLEX FX multi-effects processor includes eight slots of reverb emulations and delays with eight dedicated effects buses. At , we’re impressed by the sheer amount of raw power that’s lurking under the 64S’s hood.

Three options for multitrack recording

The PreSonus StudioLive 64S gives you three efficient options for multitrack recording. A built-in SD card recorder allows you to record all inputs simultaneously, and you can also play back from the SD card to do virtual soundchecks without a computer. You can also connect to a computer via USB for 64 channels of recording and playback — almost twice that of previous generations. And the StudioLive 64S supports AVB over Ethernet too, enabling you to interface directly with PreSonus NSB stage boxes, EarMix 16M personal monitor mixers, and SW5E AVB switches.

Pristine XMAX preamps for sound reinforcement and recording

Simply put, the 32 Class A XMAX preamps onboard the StudioLive 64S sound like they belong in the studio. Their high headroom and low noise floor deliver extremely clean and clear sound you simply wouldn’t expect from a live console. And mic preamp settings are fully recallable, which is a huge time saver when you mix or record the same band or show on a regular basis.

Flex Mixes offer a ton of freedom for any mixing application

It can be frustrating trying to use the same mixer for many different tasks. Thanks to Flex Mixes, that’s not the case with the PreSonus StudioLive 64S. Flex Mixes can be set up as aux mixes, subgroups, or matrix mixes, depending on what your show demands. Need a ton of different monitor mixes for a large group of musicians? No problem, you can create up to 32 aux sends if you need to. Same with subgroups and matrix mixes — perfect for theater productions and multi-zone venues, respectively. Basically, the 64S’s Flex Mixes allow you to adapt your mixer to the mixing task at hand, instead of adapting your workflow to the limitations of your mixer.

Advanced processing for EQ, compression, and effects

The StudioLive series of consoles has always been known for outstanding effects and processing capabilities, and the StudioLive 64S takes it even further. Its FLEX FX multi-effects processor supplies you with eight internal effects buses that are loaded with a combination of reverbs, delays, and other effects that you can route any channel through. On top of that, Fat Channel processing offers vintage EQ and compressor models on every channel. And if you crave even more plug-in processing power, you can bolster your 64S with PreSonus’s Fat Channel Collection (sold separately).

Includes a plethora of useful software

The PreSonus StudioLive 64S is a complete solution. It includes UC Surface mix control software, which enables you to access virtually any aspect of your mix, and with support for up to four screens, you could hardly ask for more comprehensive feedback. Capture live recording software records all 64 channels plus a stereo mix of your choosing via USB, to an SD card, or both for a redundant live recording rig.  What’s more, the 64S is compatible with the free QMix-UC app, which allows artists to control their own monitor mixes.

PreSonus StudioLive 64S Digital Mixer Features:

  • 64-channel digital mixing console with built-in SD card recorder
  • Quad-core FLEX DSP engine possesses enough processing muscle to run 526 simultaneous processors, 43 mix buses, and 76 mixing channels
  • Record and play back up to 64 channels via USB — almost twice that of previous generations
  • Supports AVB over Ethernet for use with PreSonus NSB stage boxes, EarMix 16M personal monitor mixers, and SW5E AVB switches
  • Built-in SD card support for multitrack recording and virtual soundchecks
  • Main Left, Right, and Mono/Center buses with per-channel mono send level and center divergence control
  • Fully recallable XMAX preamps with ultra-low noise floor
  • 33 touch-sensitive motorized faders allow you to mix with precision
  • 24 DCA groups help you manage complex productions with high channel counts
  • FLEX FX multi-effects processor vaunts 8 slots of reverb emulations and delays with 8 dedicated effects buses
  • Fat Channel processing provides vintage EQ and compression options for each channel
  • Better visual feedback than ever, with full-color touchscreen and channel scribble strips
  • Advanced scene management helps you manage complex mixing tasks more efficiently
  • 32 Flex Mixes can be used as aux mixes, subgroups, or matrix mixes
  • DAW control with advanced Studio One integration, MCU emulation for Logic, and HUI emulation for Pro Tools
  • Compatible with the Fat Channel Collection (sold separately)
Gotovina / Virman 3.935,20 €
MPC: 4.919,00 € ( -20% ) Raspoloživo na upit
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