RME ADI-2 DAC FS konverter

Gotovina / Virman 1.288,80 € MPC: 1.432,00 € (-10%)
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Dok je RME ADI-2 Pro postao referencom za profesionalnu A/D i D/A konverziju, RME je izbacio novu poboljšanu verziju high-end kućne varijante - ADI-2 DAC FS. Od novina su tu poboljšani SteadyClock, novi MRC daljinski upravljač, izlaz za slušalice Extreme Power i zasebni IEM izlaz. Ovaj vrhunski konverter odlikuju sve sjajne značajke njegovog prethodnika modela ADI-2 DAC: savršeno transparentan zvučni prijenos i potpuna DSP obrada signala (s funkcijama Bass, Treble, Loudness, 5 Band Parametric EQ, Crossfeed). Svojim intuitivnim kontrolama i zadivljujućim dizajnom idealan je kao središnji dio vašeg Hi-fi lanca, jer neke od neke od značajki svojstvenih Pro-tržištu zamjenjuje onima od iznimnog značaja za hi-fi entuzijaste. Upakiran je u kompaktno kućište (pola rack širine) i nudi sljedeće priključke: SPDIF (koaksijalni), SPDIF (optički - kompatibilan s ADAT formatom), USB, RCA, XLR i TRS (za slušalice).

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Reference-class AD Conversion

RME's ADI-2 Pro has become a reference for pro A/D and D/A conversion. Now, RME sets it sights on the high-end home audio market with the ADI-2 DAC, which shares the same technology but swaps some of the Pro's studio-centric features for ones that are deemed essential by hi-fi enthusiasts. With an adapted feature set and much-simplified operation, the ADI-2 DAC is focused on audiophile-grade DA conversion along with two amazing-sounding outputs for headphones and in-ear monitors; and of course — a remote control! Packed into a compact half-rack form factor, this little gem is packed with the finest high-end electronics, delivering reference-class conversion from SPDIF coaxial, SPDIF optical (ADAT compatible), and USB to RCA, XLR, TRS, and mini-TRS.

Immense versatility

One of the most versatile DACs we've seen at Audio Pro, the ADI-2 DAC offers balanced and unbalanced analog outputs, RME's Extreme Power headphone output, a Super Low Noise IEM output, proprietary SteadyClock FS technology, a four-stage hardware output level control, DSP-based signal processing, external power supply operation, class-compliant USB compatibility, and sample rates up to 768kHz, as well as DSD and Direct DSD playback. The SPDIF input signal can even be recorded via USB — as one would expect from RME, the DAC is a true 2-channel Full Duplex audio interface.

Improving on perfection

While they were streamlining the ADI-2 DAC's features for high-end home deployment, RME engineers took the liberty of enhancing the DAC output stage. By adding additional relays, as well as a custom double symmetrical attenuator circuit and one more buffer op-amp, they succeeded in achieving less noise and lower THD. As the DAC chip itself is the limiting factor in the circuit, this is a difficult spec to measure, but remains, nevertheless, a significant improvement, particularly at lower hardware output levels typical for 1/4"/RCA usage. New hardware reference levels of +13dBu, +7dBu, +1dBu, and -5dBu also factor into the lower noise floor.

Just for IEM lovers

The recent headphone renaissance has also brought in-ear monitors (IEMs) to the attention of audiophiles and music lovers. Today's high-end IEMs deliver reference-quality sound that is competitive with that of premium headphones, making them not only an excellent mobile solution but also a valid option for home listening. Modern in-ear monitors are extremely sensitive and operate at very low voltages. They also reveal the noise floor of the playback device, DAC, or headphone amplifier. When RME developed their Extreme Power headphone stage, the noise floor was engineered to be as low as possible. This was confirmed and lauded in many rave reviews in which the music was said to float in front of a "black hole."

Still, RME wanted to ensure that even the most sensitive IEM worn by the most golden-eared listener would deliver maximum dynamic range. As finely tuned outputs such as the Extreme Power headphone outs are not completely safe against operating errors and have the potential to blow up IEMs (and ears), RME set about designing an ultra-advanced IEM output as a second 'phones connection on the ADI-2 DAC's front panel. The ground noise floor of this Super Low Noise IEM output is an astonishingly 10dB lower than that of the acclaimed Extreme Power output, output impedance is near zero ohms, and THD achieves new record lows. Take it from Audio Pro: the sound quality with IEMs is simply astounding. Also included is click-free on/off and volume ramp-up.


What would you call a studio converter with all its lights out — defective? Interestingly, this was one of the most requested features RME received from ADI-2 Pro hi-fi users. Enter AutoDark. With this new feature activated, the ADI-2 DAC's display, its function keys, volume knob, and even its standby button all go dark after 10 seconds of no user interaction. Touching any button or control will turn on all the lights for 10 seconds. Using the included remote, you can switch AutoDark off and on, and using any button on the remote turns lights on for 3 seconds.

Well-designed remote control

The ADI-2 DAC ships with a well-designed remote that is leagues beyond the usual chintzy add-on. It has clearly labeled buttons, and is easily readable even in low-light conditions and for far-sighted audiophiles, without reading glasses. The neatly laid out button arrangement is easy to remember and offers ideal button ergonomics. The remote offers buttons for Standby On/Off, Volume, input selection (Optical, Coaxial, and USB) and Mute. Four programmable buttons are included that you can assign to 20 different functions and commands. It all adds up to incredible flexibility and convenience.

SteadyClock FS

The ADI-2 DAC holds the honor of being the first device in RME's product line with SteadyClock FS. Under the heading of "improving on perfection," admittedly, there's not much to improve with SteadyClock; it has earned accolades over years of flawless performance in numerous RME devices. SteadyClock aggressively rejects jitter and handles all digital formats in commendable fashion. That's why RME didn't change SteadyClock's design or behavior in the ADI-2 DAC.

Instead, the focus was directed to reducing the self-jitter of SteadyClock to new lows by updating its second, analog PLL circuit, and by referencing both Direct Digital Synthesis and PLL to a low-phase-noise quartz crystal. As a result, self-jitter measured through DA conversion now reaches levels normally only available in master quartz clock mode with SteadyClock always running in PLL mode. Internal or external clock, the sound is exactly the same. The low-phase-noise oscillator driving the upgraded circuit reaches jitter specs lower than a picosecond (ps), a range called FemtoSecond. Hence the name: SteadyClock FS.

Packed with goodness

To sum up, RMI's ADI-2 DAC sports improved SteadyClock FS, tuned-to-perfection analog circuitry, a cool remote control, an Extreme Power headphone output, and a very special Super Low Noise IEM output. It rocks all the bells and whistles that made the company's ADI-2 Pro famous, including its gorgeously transparent sonic signature and full DSP processing with Bass, Treble, Loudness, 5-band Parametric EQ, Crossfeed, and more. With its streamlined operation and svelte design, the ADI-2 DAC is the perfect reference-grade centerpiece for everything from home listening to studio playback — and it's an incredible value. Bottom line: You'll love it!

RME ADI-2 DAC Features:

  • A high-end DA converter with professional reference-grade quality
  • SteadyClock FS
  • Remote control included
  • 1 SPDIF coaxial input
  • 1 ADAT/SPDIF optical input
  • 1 USB 2.0 input (USB 3.0 compatible)
  • 1 RCA analog unbalanced stereo output
  • 1 XLR analog balanced stereo output
  • 1 Extreme Power headphone output
  • 1 Super Low Noise IEM output
  • High-resolution IPS display
  • CC mode


Gotovina / Virman 1.312,63 €
MPC: 1.526,31 € ( -14% ) Raspoloživo odmah
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