Rupert Neve 5057 Orbit summing mikser

Gotovina / Virman 1.999,20 € MPC: 2.352,00 € (-15%)
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Crpeći iz više od šest desetljeća izvrsnosti u dizajnu analognih konzola, Rupert Neve 5057 Orbit 16-kanalni summing mikser donosi nam legendarni Rupert Neve zvuk u vaš DAW-bazirani studio. Ojačan Rupertovim poštovanim strujnim krugovima A-klase, prilagođenim audio transformatorima i Silk Red i Blue sklopovima za varijabilno harmonijsko bojanje, 5057 Orbit dodaje impresivnu fleksibilnost vašem sistmeu, dok poboljšava bezživotne, "in-the-box" miksove s autoritativnom težinom, toplinom, snagom, dubinom i jasnoćom — bez žrtvovanja automatizirane udobnosti vaše digitalne audio radne stanice.

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Legendary Rupert Neve Sound for Your DAW-Based Studio

Drawing from over six decades of analog console design excellence, Rupert Neve Designs’ 5057 Orbit 16-channel summing mixer brings the legendary Rupert Neve sound to your DAW-based studio. Fortified by Rupert’s revered Class A circuits, custom audio transformers, and Silk Red and Blue circuitry for variable harmonic saturation, the 5057 Orbit adds impressive flexibility to your setup, while enhancing lifeless, in-the-box mixes with authoritative weight, warmth, punch, depth, and clarity — without sacrificing the automated convenience of your digital audio workstation.

The sound of hits

The Rupert Neve Designs 5057 Orbit enhances your mixes with the definitive tone, power, and three-dimensional imaging that only a Rupert Neve Class A analog summing mixer can deliver. Bolstered by Rupert’s renowned custom audio transformers and Silk Red and Blue circuitry for variable harmonic saturation, the 5057 takes the sound of your studio to the utmost level of professionalism, yielding radio-ready product that blasts right out of the speakers. Engineers at Sweetwater who have worked on a vintage Neve console agree that magical things start to happen as you push a mix bus into saturation.

Push it

Driving a vintage Neve console into its “sweet zone” created gorgeously musical-sounding, non-linear harmonics that glued so many classic records together with uniquely rich, thick texture. And this is what the 5057 Orbit can do for your studio. Why use an external summing solution that provides little more than a carbon copy of squeaky-clean, in-the-box sound? The 5057 Orbit gives you the best of both worlds: amazing lushness, depth, and harmonic complexity — while retaining all the benefits of your DAW-centered workflow. In the Orbit, Silk saturation starts to realize its full richness as you drive the stereo outputs harder.

Drive it

The 5057 Orbit is fitted with a highly customized dual-tap output transformer configuration originally developed for RND’s renowned Shelford Channel that supplies both a main output and a -6dB output — the latter letting you robustly drive the Orbit to achieve increased transformer harmonics without clipping the next device in your signal chain. This proprietary transformer drive is a hallmark of the inimitable Rupert Neve sound — the sound of countless classic hits.

Purist signal path

With its precision-fixed channel levels, mono summing, and audiophile-quality stepped switching for mix bus attenuation, the 5057 Orbit’s purist signal path exhibits vanishingly low crosstalk and exacting +/-0.1dB channel matching. Rupert Neve Designs’ painstaking engineering results in broad, deep, and pinpoint-accurate stereo imaging that reveals every minuscule detail in your mixes.

The building blocks of your dream studio

While the 5057 Orbit is an extremely valuable tool in and of itself, multiple Orbits may be combined using the rear-panel Link connection for higher channel count. The Orbit is also designed to be deployed as a building block in an expandable summing system that includes the RND 5059 Satellite for flexible summing and routing, and the 5060 Centerpiece for more complex mixing and monitoring needs. These Rupert Neve Designs units are the core of an analog modular console system rivaling that of any world-class conventional studio.

Rupert Neve Designs 5057 Orbit Summing Mixer Features:

  • 16-channel +/-21V Class A mix bus delivers massive headroom
  • Silk Red and Blue modes with Texture control for precisely dialing in your desired amount of classic tone
  • Dual-tap output transformers create rich harmonic character without clipping the next unit in the signal chain
  • Mono switches for precisely centering any mono mix elements such as lead vocals, kick, snare, and bass
  • Outstanding linearity and accuracy (>+/-0.1dB/channel)
  • Ultra-low crosstalk for beautifully open stereo imaging and sonic depth
  • Expandable for higher channel count via bus link to other 5057 units
  • Fast, repeatable DAW-based recall — plus rich, unparalleled Rupert Neve Designs sound quality
  • Robust, compact 1U chassis design with DB-25 inputs and XLR outputs
  • Combine with other Rupert Neve Designs summing units to form a world-class modular mix system


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