Tascam DR-07 MKII ručni snimač

Gotovina / Virman 163,58 € MPC: 192,45 € (-15%)
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Unaprijeđena verzija 'bestsellera' Tascam DR-07! Upareni podesivi mikrofoni, kristalno čista kvaliteta zvuka i predivan novi dizajn glavne su karakteristike 'A star is born' novog digitalnog ručnog snimača. Ovaj stereo snimač osim uparenih mikrofona sadržava i ugrađeni kardioidni uzorak pokretnih mikrofona s XY pozicije, od uskog snimanja do AB pozicioniranja za širi ambijentalni zvuk. Odaberite najbolji zvuk zavisan o izvoru zvuka i okoline. Mogućnost pohrane zvuka na microSD ili microSDHC karticu, snimanje u MP3 ili WAV (BWF) formatu datoteke u kvaliteti zvuka do 96kHz/24-bit. Mogućnost spajanja svojeg mikrofona putem 1/8" ulaza, mogućnost rada na baterije do 17:30h. Prijenosni digitalni snimač u još manjem pakiranju. Opremljen parom visoko-osjetljivih mikrofona pomoću kojih može snimati široku stereo sliku. Snima u . mp3 ili . wav formatu s 16/24-bita. DR-07 je napajan s AA baterijama i prenosi datoteke na računalo koristeći high-speed USB 2.0 vezu. Svestrani snimač čak uključuje: zaštitu od vjetra, stalak i 2GB SD karticu.

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TASCAM’s DR-07mkII improves on one of the best-selling portable recorders ever with adjustable microphones, clear sound quality and a great new design. The stereo recorder features a pair of adjustable condenser microphones. The built-in cardioid pattern mics can be moved from an XY position, for tight imaging, to an AB position, for a wider ambient sound. Choose the best sound depending on the source and environment.
Superior Sound Quality
The sound of the DR-07mkII reflects over 30 years of TASCAM’s recording experience. A separate power supply for the codec enables the full capabilities of the A/D and D/A converter, and separate analog & digital circuit boards and low impedance circuit design reduce noise in the design. The DR-07mkII records to microSD or microSDHC media, recording in MP3 or WAV (BWF) file format at up to 96kHz/24-bit resolution.
The 1/8” mic/line input allows you to plug in your own microphones and can supply plug-in power for mics that need it. The Level Align function prevents uneven volume levels during playback through the 1/8” headphone output or built-in speaker. Variable-Speed Audition – which changes playback speed without affecting pitch – and looping are also available during playback for transcription or learning new music. 17.5 hours of longer battery life at 44.1kHz/16-bit, WAV (BWF) is long enough for any recording situation.
Advanced Recording Features
Sharing some features with the new DR-05, the DR-07mkII makes recording simple enough for any musician. The Peak reduction function sets the optimum recording level even in recording to avoid the over level. Quick Menu selects commonly used parameters in playback or record like auto level setting or limiting, while deeper settings are available through a full-featured setup menu.
Some DR-07mkII features that aren’t found on the DR-05 include Overdub mode, which records over your previous take but keeps a copy of the original. The portable recorder also includes Auto Record and Auto Mark settings for hands-off operation. A reverb effect is also provided to give your recordings that mastered polish. 
Getting great-quality stereo recordings has never been easier than TASCAM’s
High-quality unidirectional stereo condenser microphones that can record in both A-B and X-Y positions according to the situation
The "DR-07MKII" is equipped with adjustable unidirectional microphones that can be used for recording in both the A-B position and X-Y position. Advanced microphone placing allows for a wide stereo sound recording or a clear stereo sound recording with less phase difference, making it possible to achieve professional quality recordings.

Proven high sound pressure design for capturing loud sounds of up to 125dB SPL, making it ideal for loud band recordings
  Proven high sound pressure design that is perfect for loud recordings such as bands or passing trains. It can be used for recoding quiet sound sources such as lectures or for loud sound sources such as rock bands.
Peak reduction function that detects peaks and automatically sets the optimal level
The peak reduction function automatically lowers the level when a peak sound is detected and continues recording. The level can be set automatically according to the sound source, so it is easy for anyone to set the optimal level.
The "DR-07MKII" has a total of three different input signal level adjustment functions including a peak reduction function.
Peak reduction When a peak is detected, the input signal level is automatically lowered and recording continues. It is perfect for music recordings that have variation in volume, which can be difficult to listen to.
Auto level The input signal level is automatically adjusted according to the input sound volume. It is good for when the volume fluctuates such as when recording meetings.
Limiter Prevents distortion of excessively high input signals.
Tempo change (VSA) function for adjusting the speed from 0.5 to 1.5 times (in 0.1 increments), which is great for practicing music and language study
Includes TASCAM's popular VSA (Variable Speed Audition) function from the Trainer Series. The playback speed can be adjusted without affecting the pitch. This is helpful in various situations such as when arranging and practicing music, for slowing the speed of recorded conversations, and for speeding up playback of meetings.

*The VSA function is only available when playing back files recorded at 44.1kHz/48kHz.
Level align feature prevents uneven volume levels for enhanced listenability
  When recording meetings or interviews, there are cases where it is difficult to listen to the playback because the volumes of different people vary. In such cases, the level align function automatically adjusts the sound volume for playback, making it easy to listen.
Nondestructive overdubbing function for overdub recording
The overdubbing function allows for overdub recording while playing a recorded file. This can allow you to record other parts of a musical production such as a guitar solo over a recording made at a rehearsal studio later at home. Overdubbing creates a new file, leaving the original file unaffected, making it easy to rerecord.
Reverb effect for vocal and instrument resonance
  Reverb can be added for music demo recordings and overdub recordings to add a more natural resonance. Reverb can also be used during playback, making it possible to express the 'live' feeling at a hall by adding reverb to created music.
Auto recording function that can detect the sound input signal level and automatically start recording
It is possible to select a mode for automatically starting and pausing a recording, and a mode for automatically adding marks during a continuous recording depending to the need. It is also possible to set nominal levels for operation (-48 / -24 / -12 / -6dB).
REC Mode Records and pauses automatically. If the input signal level falls below the nominal level for more than 5 seconds during recording, it automatically switches to standby. If the input sound level rises above the nominal level again, recording restarts as a new file. This is useful when you do not want to record unnecessary portions such as lecture intermissions.
MARK Mode If the input signal level falls below the nominal level for more than 5 seconds during recording, it sets a mark when it rises above the nominal level again. This is useful when you want to search for a song position after a recording such as for live recordings. Marks can be used by BWF compatible software.
*Overdubbing and self-timer cannot be used when AUTO REC is ON.
  • Equalizer setting for adjusting playback sound quality
  • Divide/delete functions make it easy to organize files after recording
  • Loop/repeat playback function that is convention for practicing music and studying languages
  • Self timer recording function that is helpful for recording your own musical performances
  • Three low cut filter levels that cut unnecessary low frequency noise such as from air conditioning equipment


Features at-a-glance  
  • High-quality unidirectional stereo condenser microphones that can record in both A-B and X-Y positions according to the situation
  • Nondestructive overdubbing function for overdub recording
  • Reverb effect for vocal and instrument resonance
  • Auto recording function that can detect the sound input signal level and automatically start recording
  • Proven high sound pressure design for capturing loud sounds of up to 125dB SPL, making it ideal for loud band recordings
  • Peak reduction function that detects peaks and automatically sets the optimal level
  • Self timer recording function
  • Seamless gain control
  • Three low cut filter levels that cut unnecessary low frequency noise such as from air conditioning equipment(40/80/120Hz)
  • Speed change (VSA) function for adjusting the speed from 0.5 to 1.5 times (in 0.1 increments), which is great for practicing music and language study
  • Level align feature that prevents uneven volume levels
  • Equalizer setting for adjusting playback sound quality
  • Divide/delete functions
  • Loop/repeat playback function that is convenient for practicing music and studying languages
  • Resume function that retains the last stop position and starts playback from that position when power is turned back ON
  • Jump back and play that skips back a preset number of seconds during playback (1 to 10 sec in 1 sec increments, 10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec)
  • QUICK menu button for easy access to various functions
  • High-quality 24-bit/96kHz WAV/BWF linear PCM recording and long recordings as MP3 files possible
  • microSD/microSDHC cards can be used as recording media
  • A 2GB microSD card is included. Up to 149 hours of recording is possible with the included card (MP3 at 32kbps)
  • Mark function that can set up to 99 points for a single track Mark information can be utilized by BWF compatible software
  • Audio files created on computers can be played (Only in formats compatible with this product)
  • Built-in monaural speaker with an output of 0.3W
  • Pre-recording buffer that can record up to 2 seconds prior to starting recording
  • When a predetermined maximum file size is reached, a new file is created to continue recording
  • Track increment creates new files at arbitrary locations during recording
  • File name format can be set to use a user-defined word or the date
  • The first six characters of the file name for recording can be set freely
  • Playlist function
  • A chromatic tuner is equipped which is helpful for practicing musical instruments
  • Stereo mini headphone jack for external stereo microphones (provides plug-in power) / External line input
  • Stereo mini headphone line output / Headphone output connector
  • 128×64 pixel graphic LCD with backlight
  • High-speed file transfer to a computer is possible using USB 2.0
  • Powered by 2 AA batteries, USB bus power, or optional AC adapter (PS-P515U)
  • Mini USB cable included
  • Tripod attachment screw-hole built in to the unit

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