Universal Audio Apollo x4 | Gen 2 Studio+ Edition TB audio sučelje

Gotovina / Virman 3.161,15 € MPC: 3.719,00 € (-15%)
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Ovo Desktop 12 x 18 Thunderbolt profesionalno audio sučelje nudi iznimnu kvalitetu zvuka i svestranost. Četiri Unison mikrofonska pretpojačala omogućavaju Vam prirodno i autentično snimanje, dok vrhunska Apollo X Gen 2 audio konverzija zvuka osigurava kristalno čist i detaljan zvuk. Auto-Gain opcija automatski podešava pojačanje signala, što štedi vrijeme i smanjuje rizik od izobličenja. Apollo Monitor Correction pruža Vam preciznu korekciju zvuka za vaše monitore, dok Bass Management omogućuje fleksibilno upravljanje niskim frekvencijama. QUAD core DSP plug-in obrada zvuka omogućuje Vam korištenje vrhunskih audio efekata bez opterećenja računala, a premium Studio+ softverski paket za Mac ili Windows OS pruža Vam sve potrebne alate za produkciju i miksanje. Bez obzira jeste li profesionalni glazbenik, producent ili jednostavno ljubitelj dobre glazbe, ovo audio sučelje će zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije potrebe.

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Create with the world’s most powerful desktop audio interface.

Record and mix larger sessions and hear every detail with the next generation of UA’s Apollo x4 interfaces, featuring highest-resolution audio conversion, four Unison™ mic preamps, and QUAD Core DSP processing letting you record in realtime through UAD plug-ins from Neve, Manley, Avalon, SSL, and hundreds more.

Trusted by top artists and producers the world over, Apollo x4 levels up your productions with timeless sound and legendary UA craftsmanship, built to inspire your next collaboration.

Key Benefits

  • Hear next generation audio conversion with the widest dynamic range and lowest distortion of any Apollo
  • Experience analog tones with UnisonTM preamps, letting you record in realtime through authentic emulations of Neve, API, Avalon, Manley, Fender, and more
  • Access the full library of 200+ UAD DSP and Native plug-ins, including award-winning titles like Capitol Chambers, Sound City Studios, EL8 Distressor, and more
  • Mix with confidence in any room or through headphones using Apollo Monitor Correction powered by Sonarworks®*
  • Use Auto-Gain to set your levels across multiple inputs in seconds and never miss the take
  • Hear all the low-end detail in your mixes using bass management to add a subwoofer to your monitor setup
  • Quickly set up low-latency cues, plug-in scenes, and immersive audio monitoring with the UAD Console app
  • Get thousands of dollars in award-winning UAD plug-in titles from Auto-Tune, Fairchild, Teletronix, and more with a choice of Essentials+ or Studio+ Editions

Get the Most Powerful Desktop Apollo Ever

Universal Audio built Apollo x4 to expand on the gold-standard Apollo Twin, the interface that single-handedly revolutionized home and project studio recording. With its expanded I/O count, unprecedented dynamic range, and elite-class 24-bit / 192 kHz audio conversion — now with enhanced monitoring — Apollo x4 puts the sound of the stars in reach for project studios and collaborators.

Record Through Iconic Preamps

With four Unison preamps and dual front panel Hi‑Z instrument inputs, Apollo x4 lets you track in realtime through preamp and channel strip plug-ins from Neve, Manley, API, and dozens more, giving you the same rich analog textures used on the greatest recordings of our time.

Mix with Authentic Analog Sounds

Right out of the box, Apollo x4 gives you the tools used in the world’s biggest  recording studios. Along with included Teletronix LA-2A compressors, Pultec EQs, and amps from Marshall and Ampeg — you can tap into the entire library of over 200 UAD plug-ins and unlock proven hit-making sounds like Ocean Way Studios, Capitol Chambers, and many more.

Hear the Details Like Never Before

Now in its Gen 2 design, Apollo x4 features UA’s highest-resolution D/A converters ever paired with Apollo Monitor Correction powered by Sonarworks.® This means that when you playback your audio through monitors or headphones, you’ll not only hear the most pristine representation of your recordings, there will be no surprises when you listen to your final mix or master.

Find Your Flow in the UAD Console App

Just like an analog studio, where a console is the heart of the workflow, Apollo x4 has a powerful digital mixing engine where you control plug-in routing and monitoring. And with the latest features like Auto-Gain, Bass Management and Plug-In Scenes, it’s easy to find a flow that fits your needs.

A Hybrid System, Made for Your Mission

Combine Apollo x4’s QUAD Core DSP with native processing from your host computer to produce large sessions with complex plug-in chains — a powerhouse hybrid workflow that outpaces any native-only recording setup.

Expand Your Studio as You Grow

Build your studio by linking up to four Thunderbolt Apollo interfaces with up to 128 channels of premium I/O to your DAW, and control it all from your desktop using Apollo x4. So no matter how far your music takes you, an Apollo will always be in reach.**

Key Features

  • 12 x 18 Thunderbolt audio interface with QUAD Core DSP plug-in processing
  • Four UnisonTM mic preamps, two Hi-Z instrument inputs, optical Toslink I/O (ADAT or S/PDIF)
  • Two 1/4" monitor outs, four 1/4" line outs (ALT 1 / 2), two 1/4" TRS headphone outs
  • Elite-class Apollo X Gen 2 converters with 24-bit / 192 kHz resolution
  • Enhanced D/A for critical monitoring and playback with 129 dB dynamic range
  • Calibrate your main monitor and headphone outputs with Apollo Monitor Correction powered by Sonarworks®*
  • Fully-featured monitor controller with alternate speaker switching and integrated talkback for easy communication with talent
  • Updated UAD Console app featuring Auto-Gain, Plug-In Scenes, subwoofer integration with Bass Management, immersive audio support, and more
  • Onboard DSP supports over 200 UAD plug-ins via VST, AU, and AAX 64 formats in all major DAWs
  • Includes up to 50+ UAD plug-ins with Essentials+ or Studio+ Editions
  • Compatible with LUNA, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Cubase, Ableton Live, and more**
  • Expandable with Thunderbolt Apollo interfaces or select models over Dante
  • Free industry-leading technical support from knowledgeable audio engineers

*Coming Q4 2024, requires Apollo Monitor Correction Add-on and SoundID Reference licenses, available from sonarworks.com

**For full compatibility information, refer to help.uaudio.com


Included Plug-Ins in Essentials+ Edition

Channel Strips & Preamps (6)

Century Tube Channel Strip

CS-1 Channel Strip

Helios Type 69 Preamp & EQ

Precision Channel Strip

UA 610-A Preamp & EQ

UA 610-B Preamp & EQ


Compressors / Limiters (7)

Fairchild 670 Legacy

Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveler

Teletronix LA-2A Gray Classic Leveler

Teletronix LA-2A Silver Classic Leveler

Teletronix LA-2A Legacy Leveling Amplifier

UA 1176LN Legacy

UA 1176SE Legacy


Equalizers (6)

Helios Type 69 Legacy EQ

Pultec EQP-1A Legacy EQ

Pultec EQP-1A Passive EQ

Pultec HLF-3C Passive EQ

Pultec MEQ-5 Passive EQ

Pultec Pro Legacy EQ


Special Processing (4)

Auto-Tune Realtime Access

Oxide Tape Recorder

Precision Enhancer Hz

Verve Analog Machines Essentials


Instruments (1)

PolyMAX Polyphonic Synth


Delay & Modulation (3)

Galaxy Tape Echo

Precision Delay Mod

Precision Delay Mod L


Reverbs & Rooms (3)

Precision Reflection Engine

Pure Plate Reverb

RealVerb Pro Custom Room Modeler


Guitar & Bass (3)

Ampeg SVT-VR Classic Bass Amplifier

Marshall Plexi Classic Amplifier

Raw Distortion


Included Plug-Ins in Studio+ Edition

Channel Strips & Preamps (9)

Avalon VT-737sp Channel Strip

Century Tube Channel Strip

CS-1 Channel Strip

Helios Type 69 Preamp & EQ

Manley Reference Microphone Preamp

Precision Channel Strip

UA 610-A Preamp & EQ

UA 610-B Preamp & EQ

V76 Preamplifier


Compressors / Limiters (17)

dbx 160 Compressor / Limiter 

Empirical Labs Distressor

Fairchild 670 Legacy

Fairchild 660 Compressor

Fairchild 670 Compressor

Teletronix LA-2 Classic Leveler

Teletronix LA-2A Gray Classic Leveler

Teletronix LA-2A Silver Classic Leveler

Teletronix LA-2A Legacy Leveling Amplifier

Teletronix LA-3A Classic Audio Leveler

UA 1176 Rev A Classic Limiter

UA 1176AE Classic Limiter

UA 1176LN Rev E Classic Limiter

UA 1176LN Legacy

UA 1176SE Legacy

UA 175B Classic Limiter

UA 176 Classic Limiter


Equalizers (6)

Helios Type 69 Legacy EQ

Pultec EQP-1A Legacy EQ

Pultec EQP-1A Passive EQ

Pultec HLF-3C Passive EQ

Pultec MEQ-5 Passive EQ

Pultec Pro Legacy EQ


Special Processing (7)

Auto-Tune Realtime Access
Auto-Tune Realtime Advanced

Auto-Tune Realtime X

Oxide Tape Recorder

Precision Enhancer Hz

Studer A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder

Verve Analog Machines Essentials


Instruments (6)

Electra 88 Vintage Keyboard Studio

Moog Minimoog

Opal Morphing Synth

PolyMAX Polyphonic Synth

Ravel Grand Piano

Waterfall B3 Organ


Delay & Modulation (5)

Brigade Chorus Pedal

Galaxy Tape Echo

Precision Delay Mod

Precision Delay Mod L

Studio D Chorus


Reverbs & Rooms (4)

Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb

Precision Reflection Engine

Pure Plate Reverb

RealVerb Pro Custom Room Modeler


Guitar & Bass (3)

Ampeg SVT-VR Classic Bass Amplifier

Marshall Plexi Classic Amplifier

Raw Distortion


Gotovina / Virman 3.847,95 €
MPC: 4.527,00 € ( -15% ) Raspoloživo za 5-10 dana
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Gotovina / Virman 3.435,70 €
MPC: 4.042,00 € ( -15% ) Raspoloživo za 5-10 dana
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recenzije kupaca

Eliminator Furious Five RG LED rasvjetno tijelo

Branko Belosevic

Odličan, odličan 5/1 komad rasvjete. Za manje setupove sa dva takva Eliminatora i još par rasvj. tijela rješavam sve. Preporučam, vrijedi više nego što košta.

PreSonus AIR12 aktivna zvučna kutija (Komad)

Luka Klapan

Odlični zvučnici i odličan zvuk. Hvala Audio Pro timu na dobroj preporuci.

American DJ VF1100 uređaj za maglu

Branko Belosevic

Za moje potrebe savršena mašina, imam dvije takve! Vrijede tri puta više nego što koštaju!

Adam T5V aktivni studijski monitor (Komad)

Josip Rakić

Kupio prije 3 godine u poslovnici u Zagrebu za potrebe kućnog studia. Od tada pa do sada, niti jednog problema i zvuk je kristalan kao i prvog dana. Najbolji je u klasi 5-inčnih monitora, koji se preporučaju za bedroom produkcije. Na prvo slušanje sam odmah rekao da je to to. Svaka preporuka!

PreSonus Eris 3.5 2nd Gen aktivni studijski monitori (Par)

Dominik Gašparić

Zvučnici kupljeni prije nešto više od 2 mjeseca, prvi studijski monitori u životu. Za tu cijenu best buy, zvuk kristalno čist, jasan, monitori od samo 50W, bio sam malo skeptičan no kada sam ih upalio šok, sve preporuke! Veliko hvala ljubaznim djelatnicima koji su mi povratno javili da su zvučnici dostupni za kupovinu. Svakako se ponovno vidimo!

Schecter Solo-II Apocalypse Red Reign električna gitara

Ivica Glavočić

Fantastičan instrument. Ultra hot pickupi, odličan zvuk za rock i metal. Svaka komponenta je izuzetno kvalitetna, trpi bez pogovora maltretiranje, litre znoja, drži štim bez greške. Nakon skoro 3 godine svirke jedino što je otišlo je volume pot, ali to je potrošna roba i zamjena je za očekivati. Sve preporuke.

PreSonus Eris E3.5 aktivni studijski monitori (Par)

Adis Hodzic

Rade svoj posao i vise nego dobro, super entry-level monitoring sistemcic. Definitivno bih preporucio ulaganje i u Eris Sub 8. Hvala, Audio Pro!

beyerdynamic DT 900 PRO X studijske slušalice

Darko Gorišek

Dobra cijena. Vrlo dobra kvaliteta izrade slušalica. Odličan zvuk, prozračan i detaljan. Nisu prenaporne basom, taman (nipošto preslab). Trenutno uparene sa iFi Zen DAC v2 - preporuka, zvuče vrhunski. Lijepo leže na glavi.

Solar Guitars S1.6FR Flame Blood Red Matte električna gitara

Josip Jakopovic

Kupio sam ovu gitaru, promijenio brend žica na Elixir 9-46, malo spustio floyd da action bude niži, osim toga, setup je bio savršen, gitara je fenomenalna, floyd drži štim savršeno, ne mogu biti zadovoljniji.

Mooer Prime P1 Gray gitarski efekt procesor

Ivica Glavočić

Igračka. Kupio sam ga za svirku na elektroakustičnoj gitari i za tu svrhu je dobar. Za eletričnu baš i ne, pojačala zvuče loše, sintetički i neprirodno, cab-ovi su očajni (nema IR), upotrebljivih ima samo 2-3, ostalo je baš jako loše. Efekti su srednja žalost, neki su OK, neki su katastrofa poput kompresora. Nakon dosta uloženog truda uspio sam dobiti upotrebljive osnovne patch-eve za električnu gitaru (clean, crunch, hard rock, solo) ali zvuk nije niti blizu modernim modelerima poput Nux-a ili Ampera, a Line6 POD GO ga pojede za doručak. Zaključak: za akustiku i vježbu je OK, sve ostalo, zaboravite.

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