Yamaha Genos2 aranžer/radna stanica

Gotovina / Virman 4.099,61 € MPC: 6.082,50 € (-33%)
Raspoloživo odmah Na stanju u: Maloprodaja ZG
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Pomičući granice zvuka arranger radne stanice, novi vodeći Genos2 uključuje legendarnu DX7 FM tehnologiju, vrhunske ambijentalne bubnjeve i Steinbergov izuzetno hvaljeni REVelation Reverb efekt. Zahvaljujući Style Dynamics Control mogućnosti vi ste zaduženi za energiju i dinamiku svih 800 unaprijed definiranih stilova, što Vam donosi potpuno novu glazbenu dimenziju tijekom sviranja. Zajedno s novim svjetlijim, antirefleksnim TFT VGA LCD zaslonom veličine 9" osjetljivim na dodir i LED diodama za kontrolu uživo, karakteristike Genos2 značajke kombiniraju se kako bi Vam pružile najbogatije glazbene iskustvo tijekom sviranja. Naravno, tu je i 1990 raznih prvoklasnih zvukova, legendarna FM sinteza, 75 ritmova/SFX stilova, 76 tipki s aftertouch-omogućenom FSX tipkovnicom.

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Your next masterpiece

Pushing the boundaries of Arranger Workstation sound, our new flagship, Genos2, includes the legendary DX7 FM technology, cutting-edge Ambient Drums and Steinberg’s acclaimed REVelation Reverb. With Style Dynamics Control you’re in charge of the energy and dynamics of all 800 preset Styles, bringing a whole new musical dimension to Style playing. Together with the new brighter, anti-reflective display and Live Control LEDs, the features of Genos2 combine to deliver the richest of musical experiences.

More than 1900 Voices and 800 Styles

With over 1900 of the highest quality Voices and 800 Styles with One Touch Settings covering a vast array of musical genres, you will immediately be inspired to play your favourite songs or even create new musical ideas and compositions. Over 200 Styles are brand new, with all existing Styles being fully upgraded to use new Voices and effects, including FM tone generation and the ability to use Ambient Drums and Style Dynamics Control. The result is a high-end professional production.

One of the most important sounds for any keyboard player is the Piano, so we have not only added new Pianos, but also reprocessed existing Pianos to a much higher quality. The CFX, being Yamaha’s flagship grand piano, now has more dynamic layers, 88 keys sampling and double length samples compared to its predecessor. In addition, we can choose from a Character Grand, which is a German 1980s well played-in piano, giving a more edgy yet rounded sound, perfect for Pop and Jazz music. The U1 Upright being Yamaha’s top end Upright piano has been tuned to provide a contemporary flavour for modern Pop songs. If it’s a more cinematic sound you’re looking for, you can try the rich melancholy sound of the new Felt Piano.

S.Art2 Voices remain cutting edge in terms of their playability and realism, providing articulations and legato joins unparalleled in any hardware keyboard instrument. There are even more to choose from in Genos2, covering not only the full orchestral palette but also more ethnic flavours such as Duduk, Shakuhachi and Celtic Flute perfect for Movie scores.

Legendary FM Synthesis

In an Arranger Workstation first, Genos2 features a dual engine tone generator with not only AWM technology but now also FM synthesis.

FM has a rich, dynamic sound and powered Yamaha’s legendary DX7, an instrument which defined the sound of the 1980s. The iconic DX7 presets and a range of new, modern FM Voices are integrated into the Styles and One Touch Settings and available to play at the touch of a button, bringing a warm, fresh sound to Genos2.

Ambient Drums

With the new Ambient Drums and using a single Live controller, you can choose anything between a punchy, dry, direct drum sound to a more distant, reflective, ambient room sound, providing endless possibilities for your Style playback. Drums are the backbone of any rhythm section so to have this level of control of the Drum sound will really enhance your playing experience.

Style Dynamics Control

For the first time in an Arranger Workstation the energy and dynamics of all Styles, including User Styles, can be adjusted using a simple Live controller. Whether you want your backing band to play at a soft pianissimo level, a hard fortissimo level or anything in between, the choice is now yours.

REVelation Reverb

Reverb is often overlooked but we experience it around us everyday. In Arranger Workstations, reverb is used on Voices, Styles, MIDI Songs, Multi-Pads and the Mic Input, which is why introducing REVelation Reverb from Steinberg has such a big impact on the sound of Genos2.

REVelation is extremely high resolution, resulting in a transparent, natural sound, making it the perfect partner for an Arranger Workstation where the reverb must work across a wide range of Voices, Styles and even vocals.

Yamaha Genos2 76-key Arranger Workstation Features:
  • Silky, organ-weighted FSX keybed with aftertouch
  • 9-inch TFT VGA LCD touchscreen display
  • Assignable knobs and faders with individual OLED parameter status sub displays
  • 384-note polyphony handles large orchestrations without note stealing
  • 1,990 Voices and 75 Drum/SFX Kits
  • 800 Accompaniment Styles provide an instant backing band in any genre
  • Style Creator lets you quickly create and customize Styles for instant recall
  • Voice & Style Expansion Packs let you customize your Genos2 with additional content
  • Yamaha's premium CFX and C7 concert grand pianos
  • Revo! Drums leverage multi-dynamic sample layers and round-robin wave cycling for ultra-realism
  • Ambient Drums are sampled with both close mic and room mic audio for pro studio-quality sound
  • Non-keyboard instruments are superbly rendered by Yamaha's acclaimed Super Articulation 2 sound engine
  • Chord Looper lets you record chord progressions, freeing you to play with both hands
  • Enhanced DSP delivers a broad range studio-grade effects, including classic rack and pedal units
  • Automatically apply Vocal Harmony effects; use Synth Vocoder to shape synthesizer sounds
  • Ensemble Voices map instruments to their appropriate ranges for authentic-sounding ensemble performances
  • Registration Memories provide an efficient way to save and recall panel settings
  • Onboard 16-track MIDI recorder
  • Mic input on XLR combo jack with available +48V phantom power
  • VH2 vocal harmony engine with synth vocoder adds up to 3 virtual background singers
  • USB-to-Host port for connection to computer or mobile device
  • 3 USB-to-Device ports for recording to/playback from flash drives
  • 15GB internal user drive
  • Wireless LAN capabilities
  • 1/4-inch headphone jack
  • Onboard metronome
  • 3 function-assignable footpedal jacks
  • Included music rest and IEC AC power cable
Gotovina / Virman 4.295,61 €
MPC: 4.772,90 € ( -10% ) Raspoloživo odmah
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Josip Rakić

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Dominik Gašparić

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Rade svoj posao i vise nego dobro, super entry-level monitoring sistemcic. Definitivno bih preporucio ulaganje i u Eris Sub 8. Hvala, Audio Pro!

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Ivica Glavočić

Igračka. Kupio sam ga za svirku na elektroakustičnoj gitari i za tu svrhu je dobar. Za eletričnu baš i ne, pojačala zvuče loše, sintetički i neprirodno, cab-ovi su očajni (nema IR), upotrebljivih ima samo 2-3, ostalo je baš jako loše. Efekti su srednja žalost, neki su OK, neki su katastrofa poput kompresora. Nakon dosta uloženog truda uspio sam dobiti upotrebljive osnovne patch-eve za električnu gitaru (clean, crunch, hard rock, solo) ali zvuk nije niti blizu modernim modelerima poput Nux-a ili Ampera, a Line6 POD GO ga pojede za doručak. Zaključak: za akustiku i vježbu je OK, sve ostalo, zaboravite.

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