Zoom H6essential ručni snimač

Gotovina / Virman 337,86 € MPC: 379,62 € (-11%)
Raspoloživo odmah Na stanju u: Maloprodaja ZG, OS
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32-bitni float ručni snimač za glazbu, podcaste i audio za video. Ovaj kompaktni uređaj kombinira do šest traka besprijekornog i bez distorzije zvuka bez potrebe za dodatnim podešavanjem razine glasnoće. S 32-bitnim float snimanjem i X/Y mikrofonima koji mogu podnijeti razinu zvučnog pritiska do 130 dB, H6essential nudi Vam svestrano i jednostavno audio rješenje.

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Presented as Zoom's flagship handheld recorder, the H6essential Portable Recorder offers six tracks of pristine, distortion-free audio without the need to set levels. With 32-bit float recording and hot-swappable X/Y mics that can handle 135 dB with ease, the H6essential offers a versatile pain-free audio solution.
The four XLR-1/4" combo inputs feature low-noise and high-quality Zoom mic preamps and sport +48V phantom power for driving professional condenser mics. An onboard mixer is easy to use with the bright 2" color display to adjust individual tracks and directly view waveforms in real time. The H6essential can utilize its USB-C port not only for power but also to stream up to two channels of audio to computers and smart devices, acting as a 6-in / 2-out interface. Furthermore, the recorder is tripod mountable, allowing it be conveniently used in a fixed location or atop a camera via an adapter for field recording duties.
Equipped with Accessibility Options
The Essential Series was designed with accessibility for the visually impaired. Navigate the menu with audible descriptions through the built-in speaker or headphones. Creators can choose English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, Italian, or Chinese.
Next Generation 3.0 Capsule System
Find the Capsule That's Right for You
The H6essential sports essential versatility designed to support creators of every kind. To this end, the H6essential has a removable X/Y mic capsule that can be swapped with several optional modules to fit the needs of your specific application.
XYH-6e Stereo Mic Capsule (Included)
The default capsule that comes with the H6essential, this adds two high-quality microphones in a X/Y stereo arrangement. This arrangement is most sensitive to audio directly in front while also capturing a clean stereo image.
SSH-6e Stereo Shotgun Capsule
The SSH-6e includes a highly-directional microphone to pick up sound in the center, as well as a bidirectional side mic to pick up sounds from the left and right. The mid-side stereo image is adjustable from mono to ultrawide stereo pickup. You can capture dialogue with the center mic, then mix in the desired amount of environmental sound captured by the side mics.
EXH-6e Input Capsule
If you need more inputs, simply plug in the EXH-6e dual XLR-1/4" TRS combo capsule. This allows you to connect two additional microphones, instruments, or line-level sources.
Phantom power can be applied if you connect power to the USB-C port on the capsule. There is a 3.5mm jack for line- or mic-level input with plug-in power available for lavalier mics.
Special Features
More Dynamic Range
With 32-bit float and dual AD converters the H6essential captures huge dynamic range. This gives creators the ability to record perfect audio, clip-free every time.
Ultraclean Preamps
The four XLR-1/4" TRS combo inputs feature Zoom's ultraclean preamps that support +48V phantom power and +4 dBu professional line-level input. The onboard X/Y microphones can capture sound up to a booming 135 dB SPL, equivalent to a jet airplane taking off.
Audio Interface Capability
Send audio via USB-C in 32-bit float while simultaneously recording to an SD card. When connected to a Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android device using the USB-C Port, the H6essential can be used as a 6-in / 2-out audio interface.
Mix, Monitor, and Record
Use the built-in mixer to easily adjust each track's audio level. It also has a waveform display, so you can see your audio as it records.
For Content Creators
The H6essential is a portable studio. Mic up to 4 instruments using the XLR inputs and use the X/Y microphones to capture the full ensemble in beautiful stereo.
The 32-bit float recording gives filmmakers confidence with every take. The interchangeable capsules, four XLR inputs, and wireless timecode (via optional adapter) make the H6essential invaluable on any set.
When everyone wants to be on your podcast, the H6essential has you covered with its four XLR inputs. For two additional XLR inputs, connect the optional EXH-6e capsule.
Optional Connections
Pair with Your iOS Device
Use the BTA-1 Bluetooth Adapter (sold separately) to pair with your iOS device and remotely record, adjust your mix, view your waveforms, and change settings.
Bluetooth Timecode Sync
With the optional BTA-1 Bluetooth Adapter, you can also pair with Bluetooth timecode devices for audio and video sync.
Small Package, Big Features
Soft-Touch Controls
Recording and rotary controls have been meticulously designed to allow for quiet operation.
Built-In Speaker
You can use the built-in speaker to listen to your recordings for quick reference. The speaker supports up to an impressive 500mW output.
In and Out
Use the 3.5mm line output to connect to a camera, and use the 3.5mm headphone output to monitor your audio.
Brilliant Color Display
The vivid full-color 2" LCD screen makes it easy to navigate through the H6essential's menu and functions.
High-Capacity Storage
The H6essential supports microSDXC cards up to 1TB to record hours and hours of audio.
Long Battery Life
Supporting up to 10 hours of battery life on four AA batteries, the H6Essential will last through long recording sessions. Utilize USB-C bus power with outlets and power banks when batteries are not available.
Gotovina / Virman 420,75 €
MPC: 442,89 € ( -5% ) Raspoloživo odmah
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Gotovina / Virman 289,69 €
MPC: 396,84 € ( -27% ) Raspoloživo odmah
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